A GPT-3 story about AI for managers today

" So, to the managers out there,  embrace AI as a powerful tool to help you and your teams succeed in an ever changing world."

ChatGPT Dec 15 Version & Synthesia STUDIO

In our workshops around the world, many managers are asking us 'what effect will artificial intelligence, AI, have  for them as managers?

So we asked ChatGPT-3, a chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022, the question:

'Write me, in a story style to managers, what AI is?  

We then copied the text answer ChatGPT-3 generated into Synthesia STUDIO and selected Jackie, which is one of the popular avatars we use in the Knowledge Associates Academy for our courseware production. 

We thought it would be interesting to get another perspective on AI from AI. 

This is what we got.

It took 15 seconds for ChatGPT to answer the question, and just a few minutes for Synthesia Studio to create the video.

Here is a written copy of the full text from ChatGPT-3

Write me, in a story style to managers, what AI is?

Once upon a time, managers everywhere were tasked with the responsibility of guiding their teams and companies to success. They relied on their knowledge, experience, and instincts to make the best decisions they could.

But as time passed, the world became more complex and the amount of data available to make informed decisions grew exponentially. Managers found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the sheer volume of information and make the most accurate decisions.

That's where artificial intelligence, or AI, comes in. AI is a set of technologies that enable computers to perform tasks that would normally require human-level intelligence, such as learning, decision making, and problem solving.

With AI, managers are able to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, uncovering patterns and insights that would have been impossible to detect otherwise. This allows them to make more informed decisions and better understand their customers, competitors, and markets.

AI also has the potential to automate certain tasks, freeing up time and resources for managers to focus on more important, high-level work. And as AI continues to advance, it will open up new opportunities for innovation and growth that were previously unimaginable.

So, to the managers out there, embrace AI as a powerful tool to help you and your teams succeed in an ever-changing world. The end

Contact us, below, if you would like to know more about our work with AI in learning, knowledge asset management, decision making and problem solving..